Monday, October 20, 2008

Young Adult Fiction

So, contrary to popular opinion (including my own) I actually had the stress-free, relaxing weekend I was coveting. Dinner on Friday night was fabulous, and I highly recommend the restaurant. Great atmosphere, great food, and great drinks. On Saturday, I met an old friend for breakfast, volunteered until 3:00, and then went home and did not emerge (or shower) for the rest of the weekend.

The dogs got daycare on Friday and multiple things to chew throughout the weekend. They spent the bulk of their time curled up with me on the couch while I tore through this month's book club book... and the two subsequent books in the series.

Young Adult Fiction - 3. Homework - 0.

Apparently my love for brain candy knows no bounds.

On Sunday evening a friend called to see if I wanted to walk the dogs. I dragged myself off the couch, made myself presentable, and confirmed that I could, in fact, spend time with people and not be mopey. (It helped that there were plenty of deer to chase and that Casey got within three feet of one before it took off and left her in the dust.)

Update on the car to come. For now, I have massive studying to catch up on. I'm not letting myself even purchase book four until after my test on Thursday. Obviously, my commitment to memorizing human bones can not compete with my desire to find out what happens to Bella.


Anonymous said...

LOL Book 4 is so worth it.

I bought her other book, the one you can't find in the Young Adult section cause it's more sci-fi like to me. Totally addicted. Once Jo reads it I plan to ship it to IN so someone can save her money for other things. Like text books.... ;P

Candace said...

Ya...I am way done with all 4 books. I LOVED them! I am sorry I have upsetyyour studying time with brain candy.

zlionsfan said...

I would like to borrow book 2 when it is convenient to do so. I won't be able to read it this week, but maybe in November.

AnnD said...

I finished "New Moon" on Saturday night. I can't pour through those like I can with the HP series...the ONLY books I can sit and read back to back to back to back, etc are the HP books....I think I need a book in between the Twilight books. After I finished "Twilight", I read a SK then I just was jonesin' to start "New Moon." Now, I'm reading another SK and I'm almost positive by the time I'm done with it, I'll be jonesin' to start #3!

PS...I love Jacob Black!!! I have a book crush on him!

ems said...

Oh my goodness! I was just saying the same thing to my cousin. I SO prefer Jacob Black. I think Bella's an idiot.

AnnD said...

Good, I'm so glad I'm not the only one madly in love with Jacob and kind of "eh" about Edward.