Basically, I'm an "act before I think" person. The boyfriend is a "think....think....think before I act" person. So he does a near perfect, very meticulous job at whatever he is attempting to accomplish, but it takes about ten times as long as when I try to do it.
This drives me insane.
But again, he's really really good at what he does. So I've learned to accept his methods, as foreign as they seem to my way of thinking.
However, he tends to miss the good photo opportunities. You know, when you're aiming, and aiming,
He's better with a more sedentary subject, like....oh....say....Tyson. It only took him two tries to get this picture.
But then, this is what happens if I am my own photographer:
(Here's a confession. I only posted those close ups because I can hear my friend Kat(i)e laughing right now. Seriously. I can hear her cracking up at her desk at work and getting ready to send me an e-mail to tell me how much of a dork I am. Well, Kat(i)e, just for you, I have enabled comments to be posted by anonymous users. Well...for you and Jaclyn. That way you guys can stop complaining to me about how you don't want to create another account to comment on my blogs....wah wah wah. I had better be getting some damn good comments now.)
But I digress...
I obviously have a problem. I would like a Christmas card picture, but I have no photographer. It occurred to me that I could probably find a way to exhaust Casey and end up with a picture like this one,
Is this the year that Emily will finally make her mother happy by sending out "family" Christmas cards? Has she actually decided that her Christmas cards, nay, her LIFE is not complete without the boyfriend and (gasp!) Tyson included? Has the Christmas spirit actually thawed our author's icy stance on "Joint Christmas cards? We're not quite there yet?"
Stay tuned.
If I were there - I'd take it! I need someone to take pics of Foster and I...
If you take a picture of Frito and I in the snow, I will take a picture of you and Casey :)
Ummm, not laughing - frightened. Can we say "devil dog?" He is clearly irritated with his OCD mommy and I think I can see Damien in the reflection of his eyes.
Oh and personally I think the last one says Emily the best. Send that out.
(ok, maybe laughing a lot)
SHE!! SHE!!! For the love of GOD! Casey is a SHE! She's so pink! How can you miss that?!
You know I would take it!!
Umm, you named her Casey. Name her Princess and I'll remember
Oh for goodness sake... Would I really have a boy dog? Seriously? Boys are gross.
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